Horse Jumping Simulator

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Cute Buddha Robot :-)

Trying to find the truth?

Cash4Gold, Kohl's, and Movers Investigations

Friday, July 15, 2016


Down with the Penny

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I have always used my pennies to give exact change.  I find this keeps me from breaking other coins or bills down.  I have a harder time giving bigger denominations out and the penny has helped me keep my bills large.  Despite this I never seem to get rid of them all before they start to fill my wallet. Then they are eventually poured into a jar where they sit around for six months or so until I am broke again or the jar fills up and I turn them in for bills at the local Coin Star.   I really don't think my life would change much if I gave up the penny.  I would save time in line sorting out the small coins and save my country money.  In most areas of the Netherlands they don't use the one or two Euro cent coin.  Rounding to five cents. This video sheds more light on the matter.

Sell out now! And get free lawn furniture!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Illuminati, just a myth or a real problem?  The powers that be want you to believe that it's all a hoax or the imagination of mentally ill or instable people.  There is a spiritual battle going on whether we want to accept it or not.  Check out these videos and decide for yourself.
Hollywood is just a high end prostitution ring right before our eyes!

German journalist risks all to tell truth.
Korn scared to death trying to tell us that the President is a puppet.
Miss Universe Sells her country out for a crown!

Watch out for RFID technology near you!  Don't let yourself or your kids be tracked!

Unrest in Africa

Thursday, December 19, 2013

In the last two days, over a 1,000 people died in the Central African Republic, but all I hear  and see on Facebook are people complaining about Phil Roberson bashing gays.  Here are links to the two articles on CNN. Which do you think is more important?

Have you here of this new Naked Pizza in Nairobi? If not read up, soon you'll never be more then 35 minutes away from a Pizza.

Chip off the Old Block

Friday, November 8, 2013

Got to love the Onion!

Check out this Water Recycling Shower

Soldier gets two new Arms!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Things like this always make me happy to see that our medical knowledge is advancing so much that we can give people a little of their lives back after such a tragedy.
This is not the first but the seventh double arm transplant.  This man lost all his limbs in the Iraq war and now has the chance to drive, play sports, and maybe even will be able to walk one day with prosthetic legs.  Please share this information and get the word out,  people helping people is a good thing and positive news is always helps us to remember that.