Cool Video

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Don't forget freedom of the press doesn't exist in every country. 

Latest News

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Here is a short post filled with the latest news.

Al Qaeda:

A sometimes overlooked country.

Rape and Beating:

(For all those that don't speak German, this girl was 20 cents short of her 5 pound bus fare for the 22 km trip home the bus driver didn't let her on the bus even though she promised to get money at the atm.  She called her mom and they agreed to meet at a place in between.  On the way a 19 year old drunk boy saw her and attacked her and violated her.  He later called the police claiming to  have tried to help the girl but was later arrested.)

The Queen of Debt:

The price of the monarchy is high.

College Conspiracy

Friday, May 25, 2012

For all of those who have gone to college and then realized your battle was pointless this documentary was made for you and especially for those who have not yet realized that they are part of a money tree. (check out "Money Tree" by MxPx on the album Teenage Politics) here is a link to a documentary that breaks it all down for ya:

Why are they coming out with new text books every year? Why is every class listed in hundreds of dollars per credit hour? Why are there fast food restaurants on almost every campus in America?   With all the debt building up don't think the student loan debt is not a giant balloon waiting to burst and drag the U.S. economy further into it's current spiral.  A system that is built not on progress and sustainability is  doomed to fail, wouldn't that be nothing other than a modern darkage? With so much free knowledge at our finger tips we have more chance to learn and gather information than any generation before, let us not forget that and never take it for granted.

Best Homeless Signs Ever!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

In this depressing time of economic downfall and hardship, it is nice to know some people aren't taking it so hard and even have a little fun with their misfortune.