Banks get their way.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Check out this article that high lights how much power the banks have in the U.S.  Haven't we all heard the golden rule?

"Who ever has the gold makes he rules."

Oh and now a debit card fee.  This happens a lot , something will get imposed in hard times then be left  afterwards like lets say the patriot act, tax cuts, airline security any of this ring  a bell?  I know debit card fees aren't as important as those things I listed but It's just food for thought.

Illegal Immigration

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Interesting short film that talks frankly and with easy language that states a simple explanation of the "problem of illegal immigration."

Where as this short shows the some of the propaganda that is being aired. Educate my ass....

Nuts and Tickets

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lately I've been thinking about government policy and city planning, most of these things cover examples in Germany but can be applicable to almost everywhere. First point of concern is the ineffective use of cultivatable land. I'm not talking about farms here, but in the city. There are so many gardens, nooks and crannies, where vegetables, fruits, and nut trees can be grown. Instead they are filled with cement or used to grow purely ornamental plants. Those plants do help with the production of oxygen, but do not provide a much needed harvest. Yes we need that harvest, because it would decrease everyone's dependance on imported foods. People could take just a few minutes a day or a few times a week and tend to their plants and reap a beautiful harvest. The state too wastes good land in the park system here by planting trees that produce inedible nuts. The argument that is so commonly used: (that the fruit and nut trees make too much of a mess) does not apply here because there are already trees here that drop a bunch of nuts, but all of not use to anyone. Why not plant oak, hazelnut, or (eatable)chestnuts? These trees would not hurt the normal environment and would not make any more a mess then the current trees too, with the added benefit of giving people a ready and free supply of food. This would help a lot of people in need and those who are not would benefit from fresh whole foods. Fredrick the Great knew this well and planted countless fruit trees in Berlin that can still be harvested to this day, and he even imposed a marriage tax that made the new couple plant 4 fruit tress as a gift to the city. The current administrations need to take a hint from this historical genius.

The second point is the government's use of traffic laws to make quick cash whenever they want it. Example: one goes to a huge flea market and the big parking lot right across the street is closed off. Everyone is parking on the side of the roads three streets up and down and the police are standing there ready to give them a ticket. Well you say they shouldn't have parked there, but where were they to park? 5,6,7 streets away? What if they were old or handicapped? Or the example of the police in Kansas who waited outside the bar for the patrons to leave a 2 in the morning. If they drove, busted, walked, busted, they only way out of it was to call a taxi. Sounds stupid when you live 3 blocks away like I did. But we can't do anything, that's the "law" can't drive drunk and can't walk home drunk either. They have put those people in sticky situation which could be avoided if they were only allowed to walk home. (which they are in germany :-)) Or in the case in Hawaii let the buses run a little later to help relive the drunk driving numbers. Or the last example when the police stand on either side of the road and just give ticket after ticket for seat belts. Just another way for the state to say, "we have no money so we are going to take some form you." Laws should be there to help the people not to punish then and use them as quick form of state income. What if everyone just decided not to pay traffic tickets, everyone in the U.S., sounds hard right? It is hard to coordinate but an action like that would send a message that we the people don't agree with these laws and that we won't stand for them. One person doesn't make the difference we all do.

UK's first public hydrogen fuel filling station

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Things like this get me very excited.  Finally a public hydrogen fuel-station.  Now we have a fighting chance. The dependence on oil has it's days numbered.  Think of it, no emissions, no giving up half your paycheck to buy gas.  Show your support for alternative energy, I know, not everyone can afford that car today ,but if you are thinking of buying a new car why not just wait a few years if your old car still runs then you can afford the hydrogen model.  The people must boycott these gas powered monsters the auto industry are pushing on consumers.   Better yet take the bus or walk to work and show the big business that you will not be told what to buy and when to buy it.

"The UK's first public hydrogen filling station has opened in Swindon.
The fuel cell station is located at car manufacturer Honda's South Marston plant and being seen as an important step in a UK-wide scheme to make hydrogen vehicles a viable alternative to petrol-driven cars.
Honda manufactures the FCX Clarity, the world's first commercially available hydrogen-powered vehicle.
Simon Jack went to Swindon to fill up the car and speak to Professor Kevin Kendall a hydrogen and fuel cell expert from Birmingham University and Ian Piper from Forward Swindon."

Link to video:

Off Topic Extra's:
Euro Timeline

Online Aids Research:

No Money

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Oh money money money.  What would the world be without this universal medium of exchange?  Well maybe better, but I don't think we'll get everyone to go along with that.  The truth is not just the American economy but the European as well are in crisis.  They problem: too much spending.  Now as third grader I couldn't figure out how our nation could function with money.  Because that's what it means a national debt= no money.  The out of control budget is to blame, I don't know what the personal budgets of the people in charge of the budgets look like, but I dare to say much better, because if they were to have so much debt they would be bankrupt or worse in jail for purposely over drafting or checks bouncing.  The worst thing to happen to the U.S. economy in the last decades was the war on "Terrorism."  Which wasted trillions on a war whose popularity reminds us of Vietnam.  Here are some quotes form a recent article I read on CNN the link to the whole article is below.

"Is $14.6 trillion too much to handle? The real problem is not that the country owes $14.6 trillion today. It's that the number could grow to $23 trillion by 2021 and keep rising thereafter.
In short, if nothing is done to change its trajectory, the debt is on track to grow faster than the economy indefinitely."

"How did the debt problem get to be so big? By habit and circumstance.
The federal government has typically spent more than it collects in taxes. In fact, it has run deficits for all but 12 years since 1934."

"Why did Congress let things get so bad? Political self-interest is perhaps the biggest culprit."

"Won't the debt ceiling deal help? Yes and no. If everything goes as legislated it would cut deficits over the next 10 years by at least $2.1 trillion. But that's only half the cost of extending the Bush tax cuts -- which many lawmakers want to do.
What's more, fiscal experts say, the deal does more to solve a political crisis rather than address the country's biggest fiscal problems."

I'm afraid the European system is suffering from a mixture of this over spending and a non stable economy.  Think of all the countries with the Euro as tectonic plates.  Each has it's own sovereign and separate economies and this is mirrored by the hardness of the plates.  Now the Euro that is the molten mantle of the earth and as such is fluid.  Now the lesson from all this: tectonic plates are the reason for earthquakes and tsunamis!  But unfortunately there might be a darker plot to all this.  As the better economies help the struggling ones, they will want to have more say in the spending of the country they help, but this leaves the country with less sovereign power.  Each time the E.U. makes new polices that's what happens too until all of Europe is one state like the U.S.  Here are some interesting quotes from another article I read on CNN. Link to full article is below. 

"The goal is to contain the crisis by limiting volatility in the sovereign debt markets, where nervous investors have driven borrowing costs for several struggling EU nations to record highs. "

"The eurozone nations have enjoyed the benefits of a shared currency and uniform monetary policy since about 1999. However, aside from certain unenforced budget targets, the group has never had a common approach to fiscal policy. 
The lack of coordination has resulted in a situation where stronger members of the union are now being forced to help support less competitive members that have spent beyond their means. 
If they don't, many analysts say the union could break up, with one or more nations abandoning the euro. "

On Camera

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This problem of watching everyone is nothing new, but the days of the lonely camera at the entrance of the store are gone.  People must be aware that almost everything they do in public (and sometimes in private) is on video tape.  London is the worst but a few other cities are close behind on this Überwatch.  Every day more cameras are installed by businesses, government, and private citizens.   There are currently websites were you can register your own or watch countless others living there lives.
But what do the people say?  Oh it will help catch the "bad guy."  Well who is the "bad guy" anyway? You? Me?  The problem is those who are innocent are punished right along side those who are true criminals.  Example:  I tell I white lie and tell my boss I'm not feeling well, but I really have some things to take care of in town and I can't do them outside the workday because these places are only open during my work hours (i.e. bank, post office, bmv).  Ten years ago this would be not problem if I just hurried up and stuck to the plan, very little chance of getting caught.  Now my boss can see a live streams all over the city, sees me in town and fires me.  How is that fair?  Aren't we all allowed those little white lies? 

And what about those traffic cams?  That catch you speeding and send you a ticket in the mail? (don't know about America right now but those are all the rage in Germany). It's just not fair shouldn't someone have to catch me.  Because now you are saying that I should be as efficient of a driver and that camera is efficient in taking pictures of people going a few miles/ km over the speed limit.  Police are human too they know people make mistakes and sometimes have really good reason for speeding (i.e. pregnant sick woman/ hospital {this one is funny they say" you should have called an ambulance" and I say to that: and pay for it with what insurance?} ). But who are the "real" terrorists the "bad guys"?  Not are own kids you say?  Well these kids at this school had an attack of reality all too soon when they were watched via the webcams on their school provided laptops.  {{A Public School Allegedly Spies on Students By Using Webcams on Laptops: Is Such Surveillance Legal?}}  
For those who have watched Babylon 5.  You know all about the night watch and I'm sure you felt the foreshadowing of the future it brought.  (for those who haven't watched the series: Watch It!) Almost unlimited power to watch, make rules, and control... wait sounds like some other organizations I know...  For my closing thought I wish to quote Benjamin Franklin: "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

The Candle Light Press

The Candle Light Press is now open for business.  In times of darkness people have always had to hind in dark corners and write by candle light to protect themselves from the powers at be.  We are living in an age of darkness.  But if we all hold our candles together we can make a change in this world for the better.  Here I will write  and post about the topics that are most important to us today: Politics, Policy, Government, Big Brother, News, Environment and otherwise disturbing things happening right now in our world.