On Camera

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This problem of watching everyone is nothing new, but the days of the lonely camera at the entrance of the store are gone.  People must be aware that almost everything they do in public (and sometimes in private) is on video tape.  London is the worst but a few other cities are close behind on this Überwatch.  Every day more cameras are installed by businesses, government, and private citizens.   There are currently websites were you can register your own or watch countless others living there lives.  http://www.the-webcam-network.com/    http://www.earthcam.com/
But what do the people say?  Oh it will help catch the "bad guy."  Well who is the "bad guy" anyway? You? Me?  The problem is those who are innocent are punished right along side those who are true criminals.  Example:  I tell I white lie and tell my boss I'm not feeling well, but I really have some things to take care of in town and I can't do them outside the workday because these places are only open during my work hours (i.e. bank, post office, bmv).  Ten years ago this would be not problem if I just hurried up and stuck to the plan, very little chance of getting caught.  Now my boss can see a live streams all over the city, sees me in town and fires me.  How is that fair?  Aren't we all allowed those little white lies? 

And what about those traffic cams?  That catch you speeding and send you a ticket in the mail? (don't know about America right now but those are all the rage in Germany). It's just not fair shouldn't someone have to catch me.  Because now you are saying that I should be as efficient of a driver and that camera is efficient in taking pictures of people going a few miles/ km over the speed limit.  Police are human too they know people make mistakes and sometimes have really good reason for speeding (i.e. pregnant sick woman/ hospital {this one is funny they say" you should have called an ambulance" and I say to that: and pay for it with what insurance?} ). But who are the "real" terrorists the "bad guys"?  Not are own kids you say?  Well these kids at this school had an attack of reality all too soon when they were watched via the webcams on their school provided laptops.  {{A Public School Allegedly Spies on Students By Using Webcams on Laptops: Is Such Surveillance Legal?}} http://writ.lp.findlaw.com/ramasastry/20100309.html  
For those who have watched Babylon 5.  You know all about the night watch and I'm sure you felt the foreshadowing of the future it brought.  (for those who haven't watched the series: Watch It!) Almost unlimited power to watch, make rules, and control... wait sounds like some other organizations I know...  For my closing thought I wish to quote Benjamin Franklin: "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."


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