Obama's views on gun control on Dutch news

Monday, January 21, 2013

So let's see what Obama has to say about gun control... well I find the background checks problematic at best because if you are a criminal or crazy it will only show up if you where in one of those institutions.  Yes in all rights to hunt and protect yourself you don't need SAW (but big guns are fun to collect. and I agree with a magazine limit if you didn't hit the deer or the burglar with 10 shots then you just suck.  Why not a universal training class like driver's ed?  Everyone is aloud to drive and you have to prove so.  Why not incorporate such a class in with universal background check, all while we're on it why not a standard permit for every state?

Rare footage of counterfeit coin making (I guess they don't shoe it often cause they don't want us to get any ideas)  http://nos.nl/video/463842-italiaanse-valsemunters-opgepakt.html

This story is really sad.  He was a handsome man.  http://nos.nl/video/463898-grieken-demonstreren-tegen-aanwakkerende-vreemdelingenhaat.html


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